Good News

Liverpool Residents Urged to Slash Carbon Emissions

Bicycle Liverpool

Liverpudlians are being urged to consider walking or cycling on shorter journeys in a bid to reduce carbon emissions. A new campaign launched across Liverpool City Region hopes to encourage people to walk or cycle on at least two trips a week to help reduce carbon emissions by a whopping 130,000 tons a year. 

It is estimated that if everyone in the region ditched the car in favour of walking or cycling for eight journeys per month, carbon emissions would fall by the equivalent of the yearly carbon emissions of Huyton. That’s pretty awesome!

Metro Mayor Steve Rotherham hopes that people will start to rethink how they get around the city and whether they need to use the car or if walking or cycling would suffice. Liverpool is already ahead of the game regarding environmental concerns. In 2019, it was the first city in the UK to declare a climate emergency and commit to becoming zero carbon by 2040. 

Over lockdown, many people have re-discovered a love of walking or cycling, and Mayor Steve Rotherham hopes that this will continue and will have a positive impact on the environment;

In the past year, I know that lots of us have taken the chance to get out for walks and on our bikes and have really enjoyed it.

“It would be fantastic if we were all able to keep up these more active ways of getting about after the pandemic has passed.”

So, why not do your bit? Leave the car at home and get walking!

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

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